Macro / Keybind Mod

by Mumfrey twitter icon github icon
macro / keybind mod thumbnail


Take control of your Minecraft client. Bind keys to commands and automate simple or complex tasks. Design your own heads-up display and create your own interactive menus in-game quickly and easily. Perfect for use with WorldEdit, MCMMO, server administration, or trolling your friends. Plus it dispenses free cake.


  • Easy to use GUI. Just activate the mod then just press the key you want to bind. No need to memorize key codes or names!
  • Bind keys which are already used for something else! Want to put a macro on the number keys, mouse buttons or WASD? Using the override function you can use these keys for both their normal function or as macros when you need them.
  • Edit keybinds quickly. Change your binds whenever you want. You can even copy and move macros from key to key with drag 'n drop.
  • Multiple configurations. Different binds in different servers? No problem! It even switches automatically.
  • In-game text editor. Want to make a complex macro? No need to alt-tab to notepad, create and edit text files inside minecraft.
  • Scripting! Build custom auto-announcers, time-delay messages, or create your own auto-walk, toggleable-sneak or sprint keys.
  • Custom GUIs! Create your own custom GUI and hook up your macros for instant in-game menus


This mod is also available as part of The VoxelModPack.

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supported minecraft versions

1.12.1beta 1.12 1.11.2 1.11 1.10.2 1.10 1.9.4 More…


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