Presence Footsteps

by Sollace (Hurricaaane)
presence footsteps thumbnail


Presence Footsteps is an overly complicated footstep sound enhancement mod for Minecraft. It changes the way footstep sounds are produced, in addition to a whole new set of sounds.

Presence Footsteps adds new sound effects when Minecraft didn't play any sound at all, such as jumping, landing, walking on the edge of a block, foot shuffling when coming to a stop.

It also plays sounds differently whenever you're running, and allows each block to be played in a different way: Metal fences does not sound like iron blocks; Walking over rails both plays a faint metallic sound and the surface below it; Walking on a piston pointing upwards sounds like wood.


  • Plays sounds differently whenever you're running, and allows each block to be played in a different way
  • Metal fences do not sound like iron blocks
  • Walking over rails both plays a faint metallic sound and the surface below it
  • Walking on a piston pointing upwards sounds like wood
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supported minecraft versions

1.10 1.9.4 1.9 1.8.9 1.7.10 1.7.2


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