
by gabizou twitter icon github icon (anangrybeaver)
voxelvision thumbnail


VoxelVision provides useful visual enhancements for use on creative servers. Featuring full-bright (including "auto full-bright" for use under water), clear weather, clear water, fog distance adjustment and wireframe rendering mode. This mod is a must-have for creative builders.


  • Fullbright and "auto-fullbright" for use underwater
  • Clear Weather
  • Wireframe Rendering Mode
  • Fog Distance Adjustment
  • "Crystal Clear Water" improves vision when building underwater


This mod is only available as part of The VoxelModPack.

Go to mod pack icon
The VoxelModPack

supported minecraft versions

1.7.10 1.7.2 1.6.4 1.6.2


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


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