
by Urushibara
slimechunkinfo thumbnail


Displays whether the current chunk is a slime chunk in the Minecraft debug screen in single player.

Minecraft Forum Icon
Minecraft Forum

supported minecraft versions





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by DemonWav
extended hotbar thumbnail
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Link Info

by Killjoy1221
link info thumbnail
With this mod, you will be able to click on a link in chat and be shown the title of the webpage. If it's a YouTube video, the title, length, uploader, rating, number of comments, and thumbnail will also be shown. If it's an image, there will be a button to show it on screen.With this mod, you will be able to click on a link in chat and be shown the title of the webpage. If it's a YouTube video, the title, length, uploader, rating, number of comments, and thumbnail will also be shown. If it's an image, there will be a button to show it on screen.


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I got nothing