
by Minebench github icon (totemo)
watson thumbnail


Watson is a Minecraft mod that displays LogBlock (and to a limited extent Prism and CoreProtect) logs in 3-D. It also has some features to make moderation tasks, such as observing chat and managing screenshots, a little easier.


  • It displays individual edits as wireframe 3-D boxes.
  • It groups edits of ore blocks into ore deposits, numbers each deposit, shows the numbers in 3-D space and provides commands to teleport to deposits and compute a stone:diamond ratio.
  • It draws vectors between edits indicating the time sequence of edits.
  • It draws text annotations in 3-D space. These can act as teleport targets.
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Legacy Version

supported minecraft versions

1.12beta 1.11.2 1.11 1.9.4 1.9 1.8 1.7.10 1.7.2


No screenshots available


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